One of the most enduring myths or cliches concerning European genetic structure is that Poles carry Mongolian admixture. This claim has been repeated so often that it's now regarded by many as fact, including at academic level. Poles apparently acquired this admixture during Mongol and Turkic raids on Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages.
For a long time it was impossible to verify or debunk such claims due to a lack of genetic data from European and Asian populations at high enough resolution. However, that's no longer a problem. Indeed, I've run a wide range of detailed analyses as part of my Eurogenes Genetic Ancestry Project which have shown that my Polish sample does not carry inflated levels of Asian ancestry relative to other Northern and Central Europeans. But in this post it's probably more useful for me to focus on results from peer-reviewed studies to make my point. I'll start with a look at genome-wide genetic data (aka. autosomal DNA). The bar plot below was featured in a recent study on genetic substructures in European Russia (1). It shows the results of an ADMIXTURE analysis at K=2 (two ancestral populations assumed) using 52,808 SNP markers, which splits the genomes of the samples into West and East Eurasian components. As you'd expect, these components are modal in Europeans and Han Chinese, respectively. This northern Han Chinese sample from Beijing is certainly a very useful proxy for Mongolians, because the East Eurasian component it creates is basically the same one that peaks in the least admixed Mongolian samples in other studies (for example, see 2).
The lowest levels of the East Eurasian component are carried by Latvians, Poles, Germans, Czechs and Italians. But this looks like noise anyway, because the Chinese carry a reciprocal amount of the West Eurasian component. In other words, it's most likely not a real signal of recent admixture from East Asia, but shared prehistoric Eurasian ancestry. If it's not noise, and actually represents admixture from an East Asian source like the Mongolians, then it's difficult to explain why it appears at a clearly higher level in Italians than Poles. A couple of the Czechs do carry inflated amounts of the East Eurasian component, and I'd say they're Czech Roma with significant South Asian admixture who weren't removed as outliers from the dataset. It's also worth mentioning that the Komi, Finns and Russians (like the Rus_HGDP sample from Kargopol) show higher levels of this component than the Central Europeans. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they have Mongolian ancestry. Indeed, another study has shown that the Kargopol Russians carry various Siberian-specific components, rather than the type of East Asian influence which makes up the majority of Mongolian genome-wide genetic structure (2). Moreover, the Mongols never raided North Russia or Finland, where in fact these components peak in Europe today. So the most plausible explanation for the relatively high levels of Siberian admixture there is Finno-Ugric or Uralic ancestry. Indeed, the Finns obviously speak a Finno-Ugric language, and so do some North Russian groups, while many others did until recently. Below is a different kind of analysis of autosomal DNA. It's a pairwise Fixation Index (Fst) test between 16 global populations based on 129,673 SNPs (3). It includes two East Asian samples, the same Han Chinese set as in the above ADMIXTURE analyses, and a Japanese sample from Tokyo. The results appear to correlate very closely with geography, which suggests that we're basically looking at the effects of isolation-by-distance. Interestingly, the Polish sample from Lodz and Warsaw (Po) is genetically more distant from the Han Chinese (CHB) and Japanese (JPT) than are the Swedes (Sw), Norwegians (No) and Germans (Ge). The differences aren't big, but they're consistent, which means that at the very least these Poles can't be carrying more East Asian ancestry than the Scandinavian and German samples. Next up is a global Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from the same study, featuring the same samples and markers. Again, it's another way of looking at variation in autosomal DNA, and again the results indicate that Poles don't show any special genome-wide genetic links to East Asians. The Polish samples are sitting close to the top of the European cluster and overlap strongly with other Northern and Central Europeans. Indeed, many of the outliers pulling towards the West African (YRI) and East Asian (CHB + JPT) clusters are French, British and German. These individuals are possibly carrying very recent non-European ancestry due to colonial links between Western Europe and the third world. There are also a considerable number of Russians streaming towards the East Asians, and that's probably due to the Finno-Ugric mediated Siberian influence in North Russia described above.

It is known that the Mongol Empire expanded over a considerable part of Eastern Europe by 1248 due to the khan Batu’s conquests. Russian principalities were vassal states of the Mongol Empire until 1480. However, we found no genetic traces of the Mongol sovereignty over Russia (in the form of male lineages of the cluster of Genghis Khan descendants) in the Russian population.Poles do sporadically carry East Eurasian-specific mtDNA (ie. maternal) lineages, and it was recently suggested by Mielnik-Sikorska et al. that some of these lineages (ie. C4a1a, G2a and D5a2a1a1) might "possibly reflect relatively recent contacts of Slavs with nomadic Altaic peoples" (10). However, the authors also note that these markers have a wide distribution across Eurasia and might actually represent prehistoric gene-flow between Asia and Europe. In fact, ancient DNA results have recently revealed unexpected frequencies of East Eurasian-specific mtDNA haplogroups - including C1, C4a2, C5, D* and Z1a - in Northern and Eastern European remains from the Neolithic and Mesolithic (11, 12, 13, 14). The samples were always small, but nevertheless it's useful to note that the incidence of the eastern mtDNA lineages was much higher in these ancient samples than in any modern Eastern European populations west of the Volga. What this suggests is that the vast majority of East Eurasian ancestry in Europe might have arrived there thousands of years before the Mongol incursions, and much of it has been lost since then, rather than gained, due to continuous population movements from west to east across the continent. To add another twist to the tale, it actually seems that all Europeans do show significant prehistoric East Eurasian genome-wide admixture, so perhaps it's only the ancient eastern mtDNA markers that have almost gone extinct? The topic has been now been discussed in a couple of papers, and apparently this admixture shows higher affinity to modern Amerindians than North or East Asians (15), which is very curious indeed. But the details are sketchy because the results so far have been based on DNA from modern samples, so hopefully we can learn more very soon thanks to analyses of genome-wide markers from prehistoric Eurasian remains. In any case, a group of Poles was featured in one of these papers, and this is how they compared to other Europeans in a formal mixture test with the ADMIXTOOLS software (16).

4. Esko et al., Genetic characterization of northeastern Italian population isolates in the context of broader European genetic diversity, European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication 19 December 2012; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.229
5. Peter A Underhill et al., Separating the post-Glacial coancestry of European and Asian Y chromosomes within haplogroup R1a, European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication 4 November 2009; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2009.194
6. Family Tree DNA R1a1a and Subclades Y-DNA Project
7. Derenko et al., Distribution of the Male Lineages of Genghis Khan’s Descendants in Northern Eurasian Populations, Russian Journal of Genetics, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 3; DOI: 10.1134/S1022795407030179
8. Zerjal et al., The Genetic Legacy of the Mongols, Am J Hum Genet. 2003 March; 72(3): 717–721. PMCID: PMC1180246
9. Abilev S. et al., The Y-chromosome C3* star-cluster attributed to Genghis Khan's descendants is present at high frequency in the Kerey clan from Kazakhstan, Hum Biol. 2012 Feb;84(1):79-89. doi: 10.3378/027.084.0106.
10. Mielnik-Sikorska M, Daca P, Malyarchuk B, Derenko M, Skonieczna K, et al. (2013) The History of Slavs Inferred from Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequences. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54360. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054360
11. Zsuzsanna Guba et al., HVS-I polymorphism screening of ancient human mitochondrial DNA provides evidence for N9a discontinuity and East Asian haplogroups in the Neolithic Hungary, Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication 15 September 2011; doi: 10.1038/jhg.2011.103
12. Alexey G Nikitin et al., Mitochondrial haplogroup C in ancient mitochondrial DNA from Ukraine extends the presence of East Eurasian genetic lineages in Neolithic Central and Eastern Europe, Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 7 June 2012; doi:10.1038/jhg.2012.69
13. Lillie, Malcolm C et al., Prehistoric populations of Ukraine: Migration at the later Mesolithic to Neolithic transition, Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History (2012), Publication Date: July 2012, ISBN: 978-3-11-026630-6, DOI: 10.1515/9783110266306.93
14. Der Sarkissian C, Balanovsky O, Brandt G, Khartanovich V, Buzhilova A, et al. (2013) Ancient DNA Reveals Prehistoric Gene-Flow from Siberia in the Complex Human Population History of North East Europe. PLoS Genet 9(2): e1003296. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003296
15. Lipson et al., Efficient moment-based inference of admixture parameters and sources of gene flow, arXiv:1212.2555v1 [q-bio.PE]
16. Patterson et al., Ancient Admixture in Human History, Genetics: Published Articles Ahead of Print, published on September 7, 2012 as 10.1534/genetics.112.145037
See also...
R1a and R1b from an early Mongolian tomb
One learns something every day... I actually never heard of this contention about Poles being "Mongol tainted" (so to speak). It sure sounds like pure politics to me (like earlier claims of Germanic "Aryan purity" or like Rawita-Gawronski's 1910 claim that Ukrainians were "un danger pour l'Europe" because they were mosly Slavicized Pechenegs and Polovtsians...) Kudos to David for his usual excellent analysis.
My compliments on an excellent and well researched article. I'd be eager to read your views on any Tatar admixture in Poland.
Most Tatars are covered under the term Turkic in this article. So as per above, there's a lack of admixture from these groups in Poland. For instance, R-Z94 lineages typical of Lithuanian Tatars and the Kyrgyz aren't carried by ethnic Poles. But like I say above, anything's possible in a country of almost 40 million.
Also, keep in mind that there are Tatar groups in Russia which are genetically very similar to ethnic Russians and even Poles, with very little Asian admixture. These are "Tatarized" Volga-Finns. So a Tatar ancestor of this type would be difficult to pick up with a DNA test in a Pole, unless we're talking a generation or two ago.
Thank you for your response. I happen to be an R1a1a1b2a1 with SNP's of M198+ Z283- Z280- M458- Z93+ L342+ L657- and Z2122-. My father's family is confirmed Polish Catholic at least as far back as the mid-1700's. Therefore this subject and your article are of great interest to me.
Well, Z93+, L342+, L657- and Z2122- leaves open a lot of possibilities. There are new SNPs being reported downstream of Z93 every week, and some of these become available at FTDNA, so keep trying. Also, your STR haplotype might give you some clues, especially if you tested 67 markers. But you probably know all this by now. :)
I am intrigued by this: “However, even the very few R-Z94 cases among Poles are more closely related to Ashkenazi lineages ...” -- Where is this from? Is there a newer paper than Nebel 2004 concerning Jewish R-M17?
All papers on R1a released during the past two years or so are now hopelessly outdated. Actually, they were already outdated when they came out. But anyway, this one here is the best one...
However, for up to date info on Ashkenazi Levite R1a, see the links below...,R1a/default.aspx
I've already had the 111 marker test at FTDNA. I'm listed under the "Tatars" subclade of Project Tatar - along with five members of a Muslim family from Lithuania. My family appears to have settled in the pre-partition Sandomierz Voivodeship after "hopping" - for lack of a better word - from Ruthenia. Even then it still had a presence in the Lublin Voivodeship.
Based on my review of old parish records I've reached the conclusion that The Deluge resulted in a flood of westward migration. These dislocations, in addition to migrations resulting from marriage and commercial activity, should result in some surprises. The connection of Z94 among Poles to Ashkenazi lineages will probably be narrowed as new tests become available.
OK, thanks, that makes sense then. I'd expect a few cases of R-Z94 and R-M73 among Poles with ancestry from Ruthenia and the so called eastern "Kresy". However, based on the samples I have from these regions, it seems the autosomal DNA of such Poles is pretty much typically Polish, except just slightly shifted to the east.
What else can you say about the westward migration during The Deluge? Who were these people who moved west, and where did they settle?
Several years ago I traced a lead on a family with my surname to Krasnystaw. I reviewed all available LDS microfilm for that town. There appeared to be a massive influx of refugees during The Deluge. Many of the names appeared to be of Ukrainian origin. I didn't compile any statistics or attempt to determine the final destination of any of those families. I have to conclude that any Poles or Ukrainian Catholics that could escape made their way west. Towns have a larger turnover rate among their residents over time than do villages, but the names I saw were just not native to the local area. These families were simply passing through with only the occasional birth and death to indicate they had ever been there.
I did find at least one family with my surname in Zamosc who appeared there during the Deluge. (A good move on their part due to its relative safety.) They remained there a few generations and then disappeared.
There also appears to have been movement prior to the first partition. Although the records on film don't usually begin before 1810, by backtracking I can get an idea of how far back in time a family was present in a given area. In more than one instance families with my surname can be traced to one or two men in the mid to late 1700s.
Hi David,
Do you know if there are any GWA studies of Ukrainians? We are trying to do a study in Ukraine and need a comparison population, but it seems that none of the population databases has any data on frequency of various SNPs in Ukrainians? People have suggested that we take the data on Poles as the closest population. Do you have any thoughts on that?
It really depends where your Polish sample is from. If they're from around Lublin or the former eastern Polish territories (ie. Kresy), then you could probably use them without much trouble.
But there is a Ukrainian sample available at the link below, and it has individuals from all over the country, including Lviv, Polesie and ethnic Ukrainians from Belgorod in Russia. I think it was done on Illumina 650K or something similar.
Good information thanks!
I have long told people that North Slavic Asiatic like mixture was of Finno-Ugric types.
Thanks for the in depth knowledge being placed out there all in one blog!!!
.... The most interesting part I read was about R-Z94 in Poland being like Ashkenazi.
I am curious.
Could it be that R-Z94 in Ahskenazis comes from Poles!? Or perhaps a neighbor like say Ukraine!?
Or is it the inverse!? That it came to Poles from Ashkenazi!?
As for the R-Z94 in Ashkenazis comes another question.
Is the R-Z94 in Ashkenazis of Khazar like orgins or Near Eastern like orgins!?
As for R-Z94 in Tatars.
Tatars aren't really Mongols.... They lack Mongol specific C haplogroups too.... While Mongols lack R1a that Tatars have.
So... What are Tatars!?
Tatars are just Scythians who became assimilated to Turkic culture is my guess!?
Did Scythian burials have this kind of R-Z94 like Tatars do!?
You speak of Russians & Tatars of the Volga being similar.
So... My theory was always that Interior Russia had Scyhtians break up & that the left over Scythians later became part Russians & Tatars!?
A lot of Russians claim traces Tatar ancestry of the Volga.
Do you know if there is proof of this!?
I mean Tatars look quite Slavic like.
Tatars of the Volga tend to look more like Russians than like Mongols.
R1a-Z94 is found at low frequency throughout Europe, even in the UK, Ireland and Spain. But its European lineages don't usually fit into Ashkenazi or Tatar clusters. They belong to other clusters that don' seem to show any specific ethnic or even geographic affinities. That's also the case for most of the Polish R1a-Z94 found to date.
There could be any number of ways that these markers entered Europe during the Iron Age and/or Middle Ages, including via the Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Kumans, Khazars, and so on. Perhaps more samples, including from ancient remains, will solve the mystery? But I think that we're basically looking at the effects of isolation-by-distance here, and the reason R1a-Z94 is found at low frequency throughout Europe is because Europe is relatively close to West Asia, where R1a-Z94 originated.
It is not the truth that was found no star -Ghenghis Khan C3 in Poland.
It was-last year in ancient polish Clan of Dunin
I know that C3 occurs at very low levels throughout Europe, and sometimes pops up in various European FTDNA projects. So it's also likely to be found in a few Polish samples (out of the thousands tested).
But there's no scientific literature out there confirming the presence of the "Genghis Khan" star-cluster chromosomes in Poland. Indeed, based on all the data, both academic and commercial, no one in their right mind can claim that this marker is anything but an oddity in Poland.
If Poles don't have any significant asian admixture then what explians the occasinal "asian eyes" that you ocassionally see in Poles?
They're not Asian eyes. They're caused by low nasal bridging, which is a trait sometimes carried over from childhood.
I skimmed this and I am not a scientist, but of polish ancestor background.
A number of my family members have the small eyes. But, what I find and I am sure you will find of most interest is that my cousin white (polish/german) background was a perfect donor match for a mongolian woman. She provided donor to the woman and the woman (mongolian) is alive today. In fact, they were able to meet. It is an incredible beautiful story.
Something that few people are aware of is that Mongolians have more Eastern European ancestry than Eastern Europeans Mongolian ancestry.
This can be seen with modern and even ancient DNA. For example, here's a recent study on ancient DNA from Mongolia...
Indeed, some Mongolians even have blue eyes and fair hair as children, and that's no doubt due to the early Indo-European migrations from Eastern Europe to the Mongolian Altai.
And I have no idea what "small eyes" mean? East Asians have very specific eye folds which aren't found in Europe.
We recently had my family tested on 23andMe. My Polish grandmother (and my mom, and me) have a chunk of DNA on chromosome 20 identified strongly as Mongolian. So what's going on??
Yours is the very first case I've heard of, despite the large numbers of people of Polish descent tested at 23andMe.
But even this doesn't mean you actually have Mongolian ancestry, and it certainly doesn't mean Mongolian ancestry is common in Poland.
Please note, I will not tolerate any bullshit in this or any other comment thread.
If you're too stupid to understand the relevant science and what I wrote, then get another, less intellectually demanding hobby.
And fuck off from this blog.
"and it might even be possible to find someone with, say, Papuan ancestry in Poland if we look hard enough."
Well, guess what. I'm one. Its defined as less than 1%. All ancestors I've traced to 1790 have been Polish. Any ideas?
@Detroit Born
Well, guess what. I'm one. Its defined as less than 1%. All ancestors I've traced to 1790 have been Polish. Any ideas?
Less than 1% in an ADMIXTURE component is noise level. So you should ignore it.
I find that many Americans have a fixation with minor, noise-level exotic admixtures.
This may be due to the "one drop rule" still having some influence on their society and culture.
Well, I can understand the American interest in minor (not necessarily noise-level) exotic admixtures. Some White Americans show 2% or more non-White admixture coming from Amerindians and/or Blacks in genetic tests. As you know, 2% or more is above noise level. Also there are tales of minor Amerindian ancestry, most of which are spurious, among many White Americans, which make them take seriously even noise-level non-White admixtures in genetic tests.
A whole thread could be started on the American fascination for “exotic” genes, but I’ll refrain from commenting right now. I did DNA testing because I hit a genealogical “brick wall” with one of my lines. Expanding upon a previous post, all my ancestors immigrated, between 1881-1905, from the north-central area of present-day Poland. They all claimed Polish ethnicity. Since they immigrated prior to the start of several major wars, along with ensuing population shifts, their gene pool should have been stable. I’m lucky enough to have photos of all my grand parents, and a few great-grand parents as well, and can attest that there is no one, “typical” Polish look. Interestingly, I’ve inherited my paternal grandmother’s small, round head and heavy lidded eyes. Like many other posters, I entertained the thought that I may have Mongolian genes, which was originally the reason I came to this blog. I did both DNA testing with Ancestry DNA and Family Tree DNA. The results were unremarkable. I basically found out that I was Eastern European, although Ancestry DNA did say I was also 1% Micronesian. I further fed my DNA test results into the GEDmatch models. Using Davidski’s own Eurogenes K13, my results were comparable with the Polish group. Thanks to everyone who replied.
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